How can I learn to effectively use the platform?

Getting to know the available features will help you take full advantage of the platform while creating your digital catalogue raisonné or archive. Here are three ways to do so.

We offer three primary ways to get to know the features of the platform for digital catalogues raisonnés and archives. Investing the time at the beginning to become familiar with the tools will allow you to focus on the research and work more swiftly and seamlessly while preparing your publication. 

The help center: detailed questions answered

Our tutorials are always available in our Help Center. These tutorials address general process questions and demonstrate how to use more complex functions. For example, you can find tips for cataloguing and how to set image previews. We have more than one hundred articles and add more every week.

Access to our help center and onboarding sessions are included in all subscriptions. 

Personal onboarding: onboarding and consultation services

If you would like in-person support on any of these topics, our experts are ready to help. We offer one-day and half-day getting-started workshops for clients. If you have specific questions, you can also book hourly meetings with our experts. Price: 129€/hour.

Recorded demos: a refresher

If you prefer to go it alone or refresh your knowledge of the platform, you're welcome to watch our demo video. An introduction to the database's functions is also available in our demo video. If you have additional questions, you can contact us via the support portal. We'll get back to you within a few days — if not quicker!  




Last updated: 30 April 2024