The chat feature allows you to search the text of a publication in any language, regardless of original language. Simply type in your question as natural language, the same way you would ask your colleague.
1. Open the publication scans.
In the publication entry, click View publication to open its scans.
2. Open the publication chat.
After clicking the publication, the document viewer opens. Click the chat icon in the toolbar on the left.
3. Prepare the publication for chatting.
If this is the first time you are using the chat functionality for a publication, the scans need to be prepared first. Click on the button to initiate this process.
4. Submit your question.
Once the publication is fully prepared, the chat opens. You can enter any question about the publication. You can phrase your question as if you were talking to someone in any language, even if it is a different from the one present in the publication. Click Send to submit your question.
5. Ask more questions and click send
Make sure to scroll down to see the newest answers
6. Clear the conversation.
To clear the chat and start over click on Clear Conversation to empty the chat window.
The chat feature is available for scans with full-text search capabilities.
If you do not see the chat icon on your platform, your scans need to be processed with optical character recognition (OCR). If you want to unlock full-text search for your scans, please reach out to
For uploaded PDFs, you can extract media with OCR on your own, see How to extract images from PDF files.
Keep reading:
- Make sure to link your publication to scans before you start chatting
- Process your PDF materials to unlock the chat and full-text search
Last updated: Oct 23, 2024