The exhibition history is an essential part of an artwork's meta data. In this tutorial you learn how to add an exhibition reference to an artwork entry.
Linking artworks to exhibitions on the Navigating-art platform offers numerous advantages. You can directly access the exhibition from the artwork entry via the reference, facilitating swift access to all associated information. Within the art event, you can document details specific to the artwork within its respective exhibition, such as alternate titles or additional notes. Follow the steps to learn how to connect an exhibition with an artwork.
1. On the artwork detail page, scroll to the exhibitions section and click + Add in the top right corner of the section.

2. Select or create an exhibition
A dialog opens. You can select an exhibition from the exhibition list or create a new one if the exhibition doesn't yet exist on the platform.

3. Select an exhibition
Use the search filters to find the exhibition you like to add.

4. Select the exhibition and confirm with Select.

5. Add additional information to the exhibition event
After selecting an exhibition you are taken to the event dialog. In this dialog you can add additional information such as catalogue references, artwork details or notes. Learn how to add a catalogue references in a separate tutorial.

6. Add an agent
Click + Add to add an agent to the art event.

7. Select an agent and conform with Select.
You can select an existing agent, import one from the Getty Union List of Artist Names (ULAN) or create an agent that doesn't exist in the ULAN.

8. Add the agents information
As an optional step, you can select the agent's role and address. Conform with Save.

9. Click Add to add artwork details

10. Select the information you like to add

11. Choose an existing title or create a new one if the title doesn't yet exist on the platform. Confirm your selection with Save.

12. Check the information in the art event and click Close to leave the dialog.

13. The exhibition is now displayed as reference on the artwork detail page.

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Last updated: April 22, 2024