Publishing artwork set as an admin user

Plan your updates using artwork sets and release new artwork entries in batches with the bulk publishing feature. Learn how to review, adjust, and publish your artwork sets seamlessly as an admin user.

Keeping published records up-to-date and sharing new information is a essential in making your digital project accessible to your audience. Artwork sets are a useful tool to help you plan regular updates and deliver new content to your website. This tutorial will guide you through the bulk publishing process, helping you ensure every artwork in your set is ready and published successfully. Follow these steps to review, adjust, and confidently complete the publication of your artwork set.

1. Open an artwork set

Go to an artwork set

2. Review visibility and publishing date

The columns Visibility and Last published on help you review the state of your artwork set. Ensure that all artworks in the set are set to public visibility before you continue.

Review visibility and publishing date

3. Click on Publish artwork set

Only admin users can publish artwork sets. Once all artworks in the set are public, the button will become available. If you find that the button is not working, check the visibility of the artworks.

Click on Publish artwork set

4. Wait for all artworks to be published

The progress dialog shows you the status of each artworks publishing. If you publish large numbers of artworks, this may take a few minutes. Make sure to keep the window open and wait until all artworks have been processed.

Wait for all artworks to be published

5. Review outcome and click X to close

Successful publishings have a checkmark. Review the full list to confirm that there were no errors. If you find an error for single artworks, check the artwork detail page for visibility conflict and republish them one by one.

Review outcome and click X to close

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Last updated: December 17, 2024