Using the task manager

Discover how to use the task manager to create and oversee tasks on the platform.

As you work on your catalog project, you'll have many tasks to handle. Managing these tasks effectively will help you stay on top of your project's progress and ensure nothing important gets missed. This tutorial will guide you through creating and managing tasks efficiently on the platform.

The task manager enables you to create tasks, assign them to team members, and update their status as progress is made. This feature helps the entire project team stay organized and work efficiently toward achieving project goals.

You can create tasks related to the following entities:

  • archival resources
  • artworks and art events
  • publications
  • auctions
  • exhibitions
Tasks related to artworks can be created for the entire artwork entry or for specific art events within that entry. Follow Step 1 to learn how to create tasks for the overall artwork entry, and jump to Step 4 for instructions on creating tasks related to art events.
1. Create a task for an entire entry

Open the entry for which you want to create a task and click the task icon at the top right corner.

Create a task for an entire entry

2. Add a new task

A dialog opens. Click + Add to add a new task.

Add a new task

3. Create a task

Add a title, a project, and select an assignee. Optionally, add a description and a due date. Confirm with Save.

Create a task

4. Create a task for an art event.

To create a task within a specific art event, click the edit icon next to the event to open the event dialog.

Create a task for an art event.

5. Add a task to the art event.

In the art event dialog, in the top right corner of the art event dialog, click +Add.

Add a task to the art event.

6. Enter the information needed for your task and confirm with Save.

Enter the information needed for your task and confirm with Save.

7. Find your task in the top of the art event.

Click See task details to open the task.

Find your task in the top of the art event.

8. Click the task icon in the top right corner of the artwork detail page to view all tasks related to the artwork.

Click the task icon in the top right corner of the artwork detail page to view all tasks related to the artwork.

9. Open the overview of all tasks

Click the user icon in the top right corner and select Task manager.

Open the overview of all tasks

10. Find all tasks in a list format.

The overview opens in a list format. Apply a sorting option by clicking the column title. Click again to reverse the order, and a third time to clear the sorting.

Find all tasks in a list format.

11. Filter the tasks

Use the available filters to refine your tasks. For instance, select the "art event" entity to view only tasks related to that specific category.

Filter the tasks

12. Access the related entity directly from the task

Next to each task, you'll find a direct link to the related entity. Click the link to open the associated entity.

Access the related entity directly from the task

13. Find the task in its entity

Clicking the link will open the corresponding entity.

Find the task in its entity

14. Update your task

Document the progress of your task by adding a comment.

Update your task

15. Update the status of the task

Update the status of the task

16. Manage your notifications

Click your user icon in the top right corner and select Settings.

Manage your notifications

17. Set your preferences using the toggles.

Set your preferences using the toggles.

By using the task manager, you can plan and organize your project efficiently from the start, leading to a smoother preparation and publication process. Discover more about the advantages of this tool in our article on effective project management.

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Last updated: August 29, 2024