Viewing agent references

Agents are crucial for artwork cataloguing as they appear in provenances and in the context of exhibitions or publications. This tutorial shows you how to access agent references and filter them to review specific information or make edits.

Agents can be linked to various entries on the platform. They can appear in connection with artworks, related art events, publications, exhibitions, and other contexts. The agent references search functionality provides an overview of where an agent is used and what information about the agent is included in those contexts. This allows you to easily search for specific references and access them directly via a link to review or edit.

1. Open the agent entry to view its references.

Open the agent entry to view its references.

2. Click View References in the top right corner.

Click View References in the top right corner.

3. See all agent references.

All agent references are listed in a list view.

See all agent references.

4. Use the filters to search for specific references.

Filters help you find the reference you're looking for. For example, filter the results by entity type to only see references from art events.

Use the filters to search for specific references.

5. Add more filters via the + button.

Clicking the + Button will open a drop down menu with more filter options. Select an additional filter, e.g., Role.

Add more filters via the + button.

6. Click the link icon to open the reference in context.

All references have direct links that allow you to open them in a new tab and see all the details.

Click the link icon to open the reference in context.

7. In a new tab you can see the reference in context and edit as needed.

In a new tab you can see the reference in context and edit as needed.

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Last updated: July 15, 2024