Archiving and unarchiving entries

Obsolete, unnecessary, and duplicate entries can be hidden from the interface. Hidden entries remain available and can be retrieved at any time. This article explains how it works with just a few clicks.

In this article: 

 Archiving an entry

  1. Open the entry you want to archive by clicking the edit button.
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  2.  On the bottom left is an action bar to manage visibility and status settings.
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  3. Click the three-dot-icon. Select Archive from the drop-down menu.
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  4. The entry is now marked as ARCHIVED in the menu and hidden from the interface.
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  5. To guarantee future access to the entry, save the entry’s number, which is visible in the URL. You will need it to unarchive the entry.
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Unarchiving an entry

  1. Open the archived entry by entering the entry’s URL (see above).

  2. Click the three-dots-icon in the bottom-left menu and select Unarchive from the drop-down menu.
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  3. The entry is now unarchived and visible in the interface.