Artwork identifiers and numbering systems

An overview of the default identifiers and custom numbering options available for artworks

Dossier number

The dossier number is an internal or temporary identifier used instead of the catalogue number. This field is particularly relevant to unfinished cataloguing projects where information on works is still being accumulated. The dossier number works as an interim numbering system before final catalogue numbers are assigned. If pending or excluded works are stored on the platform they will not get a catalogue no., so the dossier no. can stay the main identifier.

Catalogue number

The catalogue number is main numbering system of your catalogue and is entered and maintained manually. Some catalogues may choose prefixes to include a hint towards a classification system. To avoid adjusting the catalogue numbers throughout, it is recommended to only assign the final catalogue numbers once the research phase is done. After a catalogue number has been assigned and published it should not be changed. Changing or switching catalogue number risks misidentifications later on. If you are having trouble maintaining complex catalogue numbers manually, you could consider combining or replacing them with's Global ID, see more below.

Global ID

The global ID is an auto-generated static unique identifier for every work and resource. This identifier makes sure that every entry created in the system has a unique feature by which it can be identified. It starts with the two initials of the work's artist. This identifier could also be used in a citation of catalogue entries and archival resources to ensure exact identification of the entries later on.

Sequence number

The sequence number is the custom ordering number for the catalogue entries. This is an optional feature to create a custom default order of the works. We have sorting options for date and catalogue number, but if neither yield the preferred order of the catalogue, the sequence number can be used additionally.

Database ID

The database ID is a technical identifier. It is only unique within each table (artworks, publication, agent, etc.). It is the main identifier in all the API requests. 

Additional custom identifiers

If you have any other identifiers associated with an object like concordances to previous catalogue numbers or specific inventory number, you can always enter additional custom identifiers in the section "Other IDs."