With Navigating.art you have multiple options to enter text and reproduction references for your artworks. One of the easiest ways to do so is by adding references through the art events associated with the artwork.
Entering references through art events
Adding a text or reproduction reference to an artwork has many benefits. Not only will it provide more information about the artwork, but it will also make the data more easily accessible.
Within our system there are multiple ways to enter references through art events: In all three sections Publication, Exhibition and Provenance you have the possibility to do so.
First, you have to add an event to the related section. Then, by clicking the Edit Icon of the event, the standard edit overlay will open and you will find the option Add Catalogue Reference, which allows you to enter the desired reference.
Note that in the Provenance section, you can only add a text or reproduction reference to a an event if it is an auction.
The process of entering the reference is the same for all three sections. Let's see how it works by means of an Exhibition:
How to enter text references
1. Within the artwork entry, scroll down to the Exhibition section. Click on the Edit Icon of the entry you want to add the reference to.
2. The standard overlay for editing will open. Click on Add Catalogue Reference.
3. A dropdown-menu will offer you the possibility to choose between two options. Click on Text reference.
4. Enter the page number on which the text reference can be found in the catalogue.
5. In the section Comment you can enter additional remarks that could not be documented any other way, i.e. section of a newspaper.
6. Click on Save to save the entry.
All done! Easy, isn't it? Adding a reproduction reference only takes a few more steps than this:
How to enter reproduction references
1. Within the artwork entry, scroll down to the Exhibition section. Click on the Edit Icon of the entry you want to add the reference to.
2. The standard overlay for editing will open. Click on Add Catalogue Reference.
3. A dropdown-menu will offer you the possibility to choose between two options. Click on Reproduction.
- Appearance: the appearance of the reproduction (black/white, color, unknown)
- Page number: Number of the page or page range that contains this reference
- Number type: how the reproduction is referred to (fig./no./pl.)
- Number: which number the reproduction has
You can also indicate that a reproduction is unnumbered or found between two pages. You can do so by simply checking off the corresponding boxes.
5. Now you have the option tho add additional details, such as imaging technology, position and more, by clicking on + Add details.
6. Click on Save to save the entry.