How to set a preview image for a resource

Setting a preview image for resources in the archive can be a great tool to make working with your archival resources easier. We will help you to get a better overview of them with only a few steps.

This tutorial will show you, how to set a preview image by choosing an image already included in the Media section of your resource. If you haven't already uploaded media to your resource yet, you need to do this first. This article will show you how it works.

Once you uploaded Media to your resource you're all set to start: 

1. Go to the Resource you want to work with.

2. Click on + Add Preview Image.

Click on Add Preview Image

3. An overlay will open. Select the resource from which you want to choose media to set as the preview image.

Select "on"

4. Click on Select to confirm your choice. Now all the media included in that resource will be displayed for you to choose from.

Click on Select

5. Select the image you want to set as the preview image and confirm your choice by clicking on Select in the bottom right corner.

Select "on"

Note that the preview image can be changed or deleted by you at any time.

Well done - now you know how to set a Preview Image for a Resource in the Archive with!

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