Upload documents from your computer to store them securely on the Navigating.art platform
1. Select the resource for which you want to upload a file.
2. Scroll down to the Files section and click on the Add+ button. Your file explorer will pop up, select the file you want to upload from your computer.
3. Confirm your choice. A progress bar indicates that the file is being uploaded.
4. Once the upload is completed, you will receive a notification.
5. Now the file is displayed in the list of files with the upload date, file name, file type and options to extract media, download or delete the file.
- Upon clicking Extract media (only available for PDF files), the extraction process is being initiated
- Upon clicking the download icon, the file is automatically downloaded to your computer.
- Upon clicking the delete icon, a confirmation dialog is displayed to asking you to confirm that the file is going to be deleted. After the confirmation, the file is deleted and disappearing from the list.